Starting Up

What is an MVP?

MVP Meaning MVP = Minimum Viable Product "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product a team…

8 years ago

15 Must-Have Tools for Small Business

Creating a new business is a great challenge, you can never predict all the problems that you'll have to face.…

9 years ago

Top 10 the Best Books About Business

Books are a great source of inspiration and knowledge about marketing, finance, and personal development. Nowadays, bookshops are full of…

9 years ago

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

Equity Crowdfunding is a simple process. A group of people offers financial support for an early stage unlisted company. In…

9 years ago

What is Freemium?

The basic rule of a freemium business model is as follows: it provides an essential product or service that's always…

9 years ago